Duke Nukem 3D: Cheats

Listed below are the cheats for Duke Nukem 3D. These will not work in DukeMatch play, and some of the cheats may not work depending on which version of Duke Nukem 3D you are playing.
Code               Description
----               -----------
dncornholio        GOD mode

dnkroz             GOD mode
dncashman          Throws dollar bills when you press the spacebar

dnitems            Given everything

dnkeys             Gives all keys

dnstuff            All weapons & keys

dnrate             Displays your current frames per second rate

dnhyper            Gives you steroids

dnscotty##         Warps to the desired mission#, level# (shareware)

dnscotty###        Warps to the desired mission#, level## (registered)

dnview             Shows Duke in front of you 

dnbeta             Shows message: Pirates suck 

dncosmo            Shows message: Register cosmo today 

dnallen            Shows message: Buy Major Stryker 

dnmonsters         Look at monsters and they disappear

dnclip             Walk through walls

dnending           Takes you to the end

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