Rise of the Triad: Sidenotes

Listed below are a few helpful points mentioned to me in an email from the author of the tulane level set, mbryant.
“1) If there is a wall at an angle it is possible to shoot through the wall by getting close to the point where the two wall tiles meet. This is important to note because if the outside wall of a level has these weak points then the game will stop if something gets though (a flame wall will do it every time). If you use RottMD and use the circle function for an outside wall you must make the wall solid by filling in these points.”

“2) You have in your tactics to back away, but I find to charge the missiles (not straight on) is better. Heatseeking missiles will seek where you were (behind you). After they pass, run close to a wall when the missles turn to seek you again... they almost always explode on the wall doing no damage.”

“Here are some weird things I've noticed. Just so you know my setup I have a 486/33 with 16 meg, I only use network ROTT. I am almost always the client/server. I have danger damage set to kill and always play scoremore.”

“1) This trick screws the person who is the server, if there is a firechute and you are a client let yourself be killed by the fire chute. The person who is the server will lose the point, not you. This means I no longer put fire chutes in my levels.”

“2) If you have crushing cylinders they will cause you to lose two points every time they come up or down. You must come back fast or lose a lot of points fast. Also if it is a ceiling cylinder you come back to life small until you run over an up cylinder.”

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