All of the following files are self-extracting archives and must be executed to read the actual FAQ.
dedfaq13.exe - date: 12/07/96 - 132,639 bytes.
The UnOfficial Duke Nukem 3D Editing FAQ authored by Klaus Breuer
mapfq101.exe - date: 12/07/96 - 117,437 bytes.
Map Editing FAQ authored by Jonah Bishop (formerly authored by Brett Gmoser)
Note: This archive contains dozens of sample .map files to explain the various sprites used throughout Build. While this is extremely handy, it can also clutter your duke3d directory like nobody's business. I recommend running this file from a temp directory and only copying the map files you need to view to the duke3d directory when necessary.
obfaq09.exe - date: 12/07/96 - 123,940 bytes.
The Official Build FAQ authored by Steffen Itterheim
ubfaq10.exe - date: 12/07/96 - 24,649 bytes.
The Beard Bros. Build Hot Sheet!