Screen shots:
Rise of the Triad Universal Hint System File
The UHS file by Kurt Kalata. To view this you'll need the UHS Reader, by Jason Strautman & Robert Norton.
Wad Utilities ver 1.0
The first and only public release version of a .wad editor for Rise of the Triad! Allows you to alter music, sounds, wall and actor textures by breaking the .wad into it's component files for quick editing and recompiling. Authored by Derek Greentree.
Rise of the Triad Level Compressor
Compress user created ROTT maps up to 95% of their current byte size by removing unused level slots. A must for users of the RottED editor. Authored by Martin H. Smith.
Rise of the Triad Map Specification Guide
This file will give you all the info you need to create level editors, graphic editors, or anything else you want for the hot 3D action game from Apogee Software, Rise of the Triad! The info in this file is current as of Feb 8, 1995.
Replacement CD-ROM install program
An alternative to the install program contained on the Rise of the Triad retail CD, should problems arise during the setup of ROTT. By an independant author (NOT SUPPORTED by Apogee).
Rise of the Triad VR Extension
Drivers for Rise of the Triad to allow compatibility with VR headsets.
Creative Labs MPU-401 patch
For Sound Blaster 16 with Waveblaster. Some games which offer General MIDI or Roland MPU-401 support lock up or will not work with Sound Blaster 16/Waveblaster cards. This patch “should” correct the problem.
UNIVBE Video Driver ver 5.1a
A TSR video driver which should resolve display problems and lock-ups resulting from VESA mode video in the ROTT editor, MapEdRot, and most high end game displays such as Duke Nukem 3D, Witchaven, and Virtual Pool.