Wad Utilities ver 1.0 - date: 04/24/96 - 217,427 bytes.
The first and only public release version of a .wad editor for Rise of the Triad! Allows you to alter music, sounds, wall and actor textures by breaking the .wad into it's component files for quick editing and recompiling. Authored by Derek Greentree.
Terms: Fully functional freeware.
mapedrot.zip - date: 01/17/96 - 304,361 bytes.
A DOS based map editor authored by Warren Buss, Rob Ciejek, Jeff Hanzlik, and Dave Huntoon.
Note: If you encounter display problems from this editor try loading this univbe TSR video driver.
Terms: Fully functional freeware editor.
rotted11.zip - date: 05/07/95 - 216,013 bytes.
Version 1.1 of the Windows based map editor by Wayne Sikes.
Terms: Fully functional "donationware" editor.
rottmd_3.zip - date: 03/19/96 - 373,901 bytes.
ROTT Mapper Deluxe editor version 3.0 by C.J. Ellsworth.
Terms: This file now contains two different versions of RottMD. One version is the standard, fully functional shareware with the 3 level save limit and timelock, and the other is a crippleware version without the timelock.
ted5lite.zip - date: 01/21/96 - 297,103 bytes.
The “lite” version of Apogee's DOS based editor, containing everything necessary to edit ROTT maps without the extraneous files from the full ted5.zip archive.
Terms: Free to the public, requires no registration. This program is no longer used by Apogee and thus is no longer supported.